Imagine getting into a fight with your partner. Perhaps you are not happy with something your partner has said or done. What do you do next? Do you talk things out or do you threaten to divorce your partner unless they agree to your demands. Even if they agree in the short-term, do you really think that your relationship would be same as before? Same goes with resignation. I have seen many of my colleagues stomping feet, saying that they will resign from the organisation if their wishes are not fulfilled. Sometimes these demands are justified, sometimes not. Either way, before resigning or threatening to resign have you talked to your manager about your concerns? Have you gotten no support or only empty promises from your manager? Do you feel that there is no scope of things improving in your workplace? If your answer is yes to any of these, please by all means resign. This applies to managers as well. If you are not able to support your employees during their tenure; don'
Musings on life and software development