When a new housing society emerges, residents inevitably create chat groups to connect and share information using various chat apps like WhatsApp and Telegram. In India, Telegram seems to be the favorite as it provides generous group limits, admin tools, among other features. These virtual communities become treasure troves of invaluable insights. But whatever app you use, there is always a problem of finding the right information at right time. Sure, the apps have a "Search" button, but they are pretty much limited to keyword search and are useless when you have to search through thousands of messages. I found myself in this situation when it was my turn to start on an interior design project for my home. Despite being part of a vibrant Telegram group, where countless residents had shared their experiences with various interior designers and companies, I struggled to unearth the pearls of wisdom buried within the chat's depths. I remembered that I could take advantage o
Musings on life and software development