Managing credentials is hard. Developers try to keep development credentials separate from Production ones by using weird pre-processor directives or convoluted if...else statements. If you have ever worked with a development team, you know these quickly go out of hand. You might also have used environment variables to define configuration such as a database connection string. These work great but still cause some issue when moving between Windows and Linux OSes. For example, Bash does not like the : based hierarchical structure defined by .NET Core. So you have to replace the : with __ (double underscores). Environment variables are also harder to manage unless you are using a third party tool. Fortunately, .NET Core 3.0 onward now ships with a built-in Secret Manager. These are called User Secrets and are stored on a per-user ( duh! ) basis typically at this path %APPDATA%\Microsoft\UserSecrets\<user_secrets_id>\secrets.json . We need not worry about the locati...
Musings on life and software development