Orkut usage is on the decline. Frankly, hardly anyone uses Orkut nowadays. They have all migrated to Facebook. Naturally, new applications developed for Orkut are very far and few. This may also be the result of Google's apathy towards Orkut and its OpenSocial API.
But there was a time when Orkut was hugely popular in India when people uploaded hundreds of photos on Orkut but now have no way of getting them back (except manually going through each of them). That's where OrkPic comes into picture. This tool lets you download your Orkut albums onto your system in a flash (depending on the speed of your internet connection, of course).
(Click for a larger view)
OrkPic lets you choose the albums you want to download and stores them in your "My Pictures" folder. OrkPic is built on .NET 4/WPF and uses DotNetOpenAuth library.
Download the tool and liberate your Orkut photos.
UPDATE - You have to install .NET 4.0 Full Setup before installing OrkPic. Please download and install .NET 4.0 from here.
UPDATE 1 - If you face an configuration file error while launching the application, copy the OrkPic folder from C:\ProgramFiles\MayankLive and paste it your desktop and launch the application from there.
Great software but I am getting this error...
Specified argument was out of the range of valid values.
Parameter name: index