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The Prime Minister That Wasn’t

Legends and WikiLeaks have it that the supposedly future Prime Minister of India will discuss about the greatest dangers facing the country with the US ambassador. He did and made the observation that “Hindu terror“ is the biggest threat to this country. Not Lashkar-e-Toiba, not Jamat-ul-Dawa, not even Naxalites, but Hindu terror. The perpetrators of 26/11 attacks are bewildered and are crying foul. They had spent so much time, energy and money in devising and implementing this whole plan and now entire credit is being taken away from them. Not fair.

Rahul Gandhi, the Baba of Indian politics (about whom some crazy people say that he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth), had earlier equated SIMI with RSS. Its only fair to equate SIMI, which has engaged in mindless violence and is now banned by the government, with RSS, which fought for India’s independence and has produced leaders like Atal Bihari Vajpayee, L. K. Advani. That this equation might be an attack at the base of only opposition party of any relevance is just coincidental. Baba knows all this because he has worked at grassroots levels. He even drank tea at a dalit’s house; how much more grass root do you want to get!! His work and political career is equal to or even surpasses that of Mr. Pranab Mukherjee, who worked his ass off for 75+ years to get at the level at which he is now. This was evidently demonstrated by the fact that our beloved Baba was the only Congress leader, apart from Pranab Mukherjee, who got a chance to sit at the high table during the dinner party to welcome Barack Obama.

Some fans (sycophants?) of Rahul Gandhi say that he is a magician, which he humbly denies. His fans tell the story of UP assembly elections in which he magically transformed Congress’s fortunes by parachuting from  one place to another. Asked about why the magic did not repeat itself in Bihar elections, they curl up their nose and say that magic acts should not be repeated. Its true, ask Rahul Gandhi... err, any magician.

Rahul Gandhi, future PM and most eligible bachelor (not necessarily in that order), still says that he is not yet ready for PM’s job. He says that the current PM is doing a fine job. After all the there was only one 2G scam during his tenure. Baba’s mother seconds him by saying that our PM is a holy cow and that those pointing a finger at him are despicable. Regardless, with Baba as our future PM, we can rest assured that our country’s future is in safe hands. After all we have grown accustomed to being governed by zombie PMs. Oops, despicable me!


  1. One of the best and most humorous posts by you. If i can compare, better than some of greatbong posts Who has off late lost his sheen. Good thing is it is short and crisp and to the point.

  2. One is sadly left wondering as to how much of the future PMs half-baked ideas come from genuine naivete and idiocy and how much of it springs from arrogance coupled with a sense of entitlement-a la grandma Gandhi.


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